Stephen D. Miller
Northwestern University Medical School, IL
Dr. Miller is internationally known for his research on pathogenesis and regulation of autoimmune diseases and is co-inventor of the Cour toleragenic immune modifying particle technology platform. Dr. Miller is the Judy E. Gugenheim Research Professor of Microbiology-Immunology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. He is a consultant to a number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, having assisted in the development of three new chemical entities from proof of concept through to Phase 3 testing. He has served or currently serves on grant review panels for the National Institute of Health, the National MS Society, the Immune Tolerance Network and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and on the editorial boards of multiple journals. He received his Ph.D. in 1975 from the Pennsylvania State University and did postdoctoral training at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center before joining the faculty at Northwestern in 1981.