Speakers/Presenters Guidelines
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- Speakers/Presenters Guidelines
Basic presentation requirements
- Presentation format: PPT.doc or PPT.docx.
- MAC-compatible presentation.
- Please take steps to compress any videos.
- Each slide should be concise, uncluttered, and readable from a distance; include only keywords and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.
AV Set up
- Basic AV setup will be provided: laser pointer, cordless mike, desktop mike, and basic sound system.
- If you have any audio/video to be played, they should be checked in with the AV team before your presentation.
- Upload your final presentation by Oct 25, 2022, to the presentation submission portal.
- Carry a copy of your final presentation in an external drive to the venue as a backup.
Considerations for PC Users [create on PC then move to Mac].
- Appropriate extension usage: use .PPTX, .PPSX if saving from PowerPoint 2007/2008/2010/2011 format or use .PPT or .PPS if saving to an earlier version format or saving from an earlier version.
- Copy the media file to the folder where the PowerPoint file is, and only then insert it; otherwise, links to most media files will break.
- AVI or MPEG are better choice files for videos or sounds; don't use WMV (Windows Media Player).
- Usage of fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, and Symbol are best presented on MACS.
- Don't squeeze your text into placeholders: Text rendering on PC vs MAC (font substitution) can cause your squeezed text to get cut off by text boxes.
- The maximum allowed dimension of the printed poster is 1 meter x 1 meter.
- Presenters should get their posters printed and bring them to the venue, the organizers do not provide any printing facility.
- Poster boards, pins, and poster card numbers will be provided at the poster presentation area, presenters must stick their posters on the assigned poster board (Poster Card Number Assigned in the Final Program).
- Presenters are requested to include the abstract title, author and coauthor names, and the institution(s) in the poster.
- Refer to the final conference program for the time and location of your poster session and set-up time.
- The designated poster presenter (author or coauthor) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented.
- Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary.
- Avoid using multiple fonts and make sure that the title of the presentation is legible from at least 15 feet and body text from 6 feet away.
- The zoom link will be emailed to all the speakers one week before the commencement of the meeting, the link will be the same for the 3 days of the meeting.
- All the speakers are requested to join the meeting at least 45 minutes before their scheduled presentation time.
- Presentation access on Zoom will be provided at the allotted time of the presentation as per the final program.
- Please use the Zoom application instead of Zoom web, make sure that you have the latest version of the Zoom application.
- Please create a Zoom account ahead of time, and use your full name in the profile when you join the meeting.
- Please ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
- Test the microphone and speaker of your device ahead of your presentation.
- Speakers are not allowed to use mobile phones to deliver their talk.
- All the speakers should share their screens while presenting.
- Make sure that there are no background voices at the time of the presentation.
- Avoid joining the meeting from multiple devices in the same room.
- Speakers should strictly adhere to their allotted time as mentioned in the program.
- Please make sure to leave enough time to have at least 2 questions.
- The session chair will keep track of the presentation time, speakers are requested to follow the chair’s instructions
- The presentation should be in landscape orientation with a screen ratio of 16:9.
- If there are videos in the presentation, please make sure to check the voice-sharing option while sharing the screen.
- The final PowerPoint presentation should be uploaded to the presentation submission portal before October 25, 2022.
- The poster can be presented as PPT with not more than 5 slides or a single-page poster in PDF format.
- The presentation should be in landscape orientation with a screen ratio of 16:9.
- The Presentation must be in the PPT, or PDF format.
- Avoid overlapping, animated objects, or serial animations.
- Font type - Times New Roman or Arial.
- The font size should be 14pt or bigger.
- Presenters are requested to include the presentation title, author and coauthor names, and the institution(s) in the presentation.
- The final PowerPoint presentation should be uploaded to the presentation submission portal before October 25, 2022.
- Zoom link will be emailed to all the presenters one week before the commencement of the meeting, the link will same for the 3 days of the meeting.
- Presentation access on Zoom will be provided at the allotted time of the presentation as per the final program.
- Please use the Zoom application instead of Zoom web, make sure that you have the latest version of the Zoom application.
- Please create a Zoom account ahead of time, and use your full name in the profile when you join the meeting.
- Please ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
- Test the microphone and speaker of your device ahead of your presentation.
- Presenters are not allowed to use mobile phones to deliver their presentation.
- All the presenters should share their screens while presenting.
- Make sure that there are no background voices at the time of the presentation.
- Avoid joining the meeting from multiple devices in the same room.